Erik's TuffBlock Project: A Shed!
Erik, an aircraft support mechanic, just built with TuffBlock for the first time!
Erik first discovered Tuffblock when researching foundation system options for a backyard shed build.
He then came across TuffBlocks at his local Lowe’s Home Improvement store and compared the TuffBlocks to the concrete alternative, concrete deck blocks.
Erik, weighed up the pros and cons and went with TuffBlocks because they were:
- Lighter
- Similar in price to the concrete alternative and;
- He liked the low profile design of the TuffBlock in comparison to the concrete blocks
Erik took a chance on TuffBlocks and was instantly impressed with the TuffBlock experience.
It was Erik’s first time building a foundation system for a shed and he was blown away by the simplicity of using the TuffBlocks.
“TuffBlocks made the support system simple and having the different size slots for lumber on top of the TuffBlocks made installation quick.”
Erik highly recommends this product to all!
“This product is eco-friendly, lightweight, and takes the guesswork out of the most important part of building a solid structure. I look forward to using it again!”
Well done Erik!
Who’s next in line?
Can anyone share whether this still required a typical 4-6" gravel pad for a shed or is the gravel just to cover the dirt that was cleared?
I am also interested in using TuffBlock to support a shed, however your installation guide states “TuffBlocks are not designed for use in structures elevated more than 48” from the ground and should be installed on stable ground”. How much higher than 48" can a structure be safely built?
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